How To Surf the Web Anonymously?

During the video project that was cancelled to go on the Dark Web, I wondered what people used in 2024 to browse sites. Whether Dark Web or Clear Web (.com .org ect) there are no real way to be completely anonymous. You can minimize what is seen but you can be tracked regardless of how your doing it. Another parent was discussing this and between Cookies, Facebook, Google, ect, we are constantly tracked for advertising and other. This article isn’t for a hacker but rather the people who want to browse without our info bouncing Around.

There is a browser called Brave which claims to help keep your browsing yours. This is better than Firefox on privacy but when dealing with actual hard to track down areas it is not your best option but as said before; not for illegal activity; just better privacy. Brave Browser Download

The first way most think to browse the web anonymously is to use Tor Browser. Originally developed by the US Navy the Tor project does make it harder to be tracked and browse without personal info from your cache, cookies, ect to be seen and collected. Tor uses a much different approach by bouncing around on several routers making your data much harder to trace. Tor Project | Anonymity Online can easily be downloaded and run on several operating systems. Use it like a regular browser on a PC and it does make a significant level of anonymity. Adding a VPN to your setup makes you a ghost compared to Chrome or Edge Browsers.

Kali Linux seems to be a popular option in the security world. I was impressed by the easy Linux package for Windows Computers. Simple install via Microsoft store or by download. Once setup you have a Linux terminal. When you want to add a GUI to it so you have a desktop with Firefox and more it is just a few commands away. Once that is done you can add Tor to it and Anonsurf and have a very secure browsing connection. Do remember that no matter what you setup; the likelihood of being totally anonymous is very slim. However this is about as close as you can get just booting up a Windows computer and browsing the web or dark web safely.

Tails is a linux version you can load on a flash drive. I would highly suggest looking into it if your one of those looking to boot from a flash drive allowing yourself a way not to get viruses and minimize tracking. There are many of these “boot fro m flash drive” type operating systems. Huge benefit when dealing with viri and repairs. I certainly used a few almost daily when I was working on computers for a living. Made transfering data a breeze and allowed file access to computers operating systems for repair. Hirens Boot CD was a great one long ago.

Hope this article helped!

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